Hokiespa Instructions Manual

How to calculate GPA for a semester

Everything you need to know to calculate your GPA for a semester.

Follow these steps to calculate your GPA for a semester.

  1. Click the link to the 'Grades Menu' sub-menu from the Hokiespa menu.
  2. Click the 'Calculate your GPA for a term ' link in the menu.
  3. Select the term you would like to calculate your grades for from the drop-down menu and click 'Submit.'
  4. Enter your expected grade for each class into the empty text boxes under the 'Grade' heading by each class.
    Note: Enter your grades in letters, use + or - if necessary. For example: A+, A- or A.
  5. Enter credit hours under the 'Credit' heading in the table for each class if information is not automatically displayed.
  6. Click 'Calculate GPA' and it will display the GPA for that term based on your entries.